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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2024

Baka Baka Shirt

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Baka Baka Shirt  The Baka tribe mainly lives by hunting and gathering musk in the tropical rain forests. Baka men often set traps around the forest, using arrows and decorations to hunt effectively. On the river, the fishing method that Baka men often use is to grind plant materials and spread them into the water so that the fish float to the surface and then catch them. Baka women often grow crops such as bananas, cassava, corn, beans, local vegetables (similar to potatoes, sweet potatoes) and keep bees and baka baka shirt.  The power of Baka men in the hunting party may depend on the age or skill of the hunter. The best hunter is often more respected, but people will object if he or she tries to manipulate the hunting party baka baka shirt ! Baka Shirt Baka Hoodie Baka Sweater In the dry season, the Baka people often move and set up camps in the forest to facilitate fishing and growing cassava and baka baka shirt ! The weather is more favorable in the dry season. Baka men of...